.....................................................................................................................................................................JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU.....................................................................................................................................................................JESUS MAKE MY HEART LIKE YOUR HEART....................................................................................................................................................................GOD THE FATHER, GOD THE SON, GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT - HAVE MERCY ON US..........................................................................................................................................................................JESUS IS KING OF KINGS, CENTRE OF ALL HEARTS, MOST WORTHY OF ALL GLORY AND MOST WORTHY OF ALL PRAISE...................................................................................................................................................................O MY GREATLY MERCIFUL GOD, JESUS, HOPE OF ALL WHO DIE IN YOU.....................................................................................................................................................................HEART OF JESUS ,HOUSE OF GOD AND GATE OF HEAVEN................................................................................................................................................................BLOOD OF CHRIST, STREAM OF MERCY...................................................................................................................................................................JESUS : WHO WILL PAINT YOU AS BEAUTIFUL AS YOU ARE ?...........................................................................................................................................................................

TP It's the thought

It's the thought

And a loving thought sends us out to find
Something special for someone on our mind
And we think of friends and family
As we hang our gifts on the Christmas tree

Its the thought that counts when the thought is love
Its the thought that counts when youre thinking of
How the money flows in vast amounts
When the thought is love its the thought that counts

And a loving thought sent a snow white lamb
To a little town known as Bethlehem
And the little lamb thought of you and me
As He hung His gift on the Christmas tree

Its the thought that counts when the thought is love
Its the thought that counts when youre thinking of
How the money flows in vast amounts
Its the thought that counts when the thought is love

Think of the precious gift He gave
Think of the life He thought to save

And the blood flowed in vast amounts
When the thought is love, its the thought that counts
When the thought is love, its the thought that counts
When the thought is love, its the thought that counts